The Social Security System (SSS) finally revealed their newest SSS Identification Card (ID card), SSS called it the Unified Multipurpose Identification System or “UMID” card. It is a modernized or high-tech Identification card which uses biometric technology and fingerprint matching to determine a person's identity that will be issued to SSS members. So far it is the first in Philippine Government.
Know more about SSS new Unified Multipurpose Identification System:
SSS new Unified Multipurpose Identification System (UMID) has a contact-less chip and a magnetic stripe and aside from identification purposes, the UMID can be a transaction card that can eventually be used in withdrawing benefits and loan proceeds from automated teller machines, the SSS said in its website.
The new SSS Identification card or UMID would start issuing free to members before the end of the month. “Members who have been waiting for their IDs after SSS card production stopped on April 2010 would be the first to get UMID cards,” SSS President and Chief Executive Officer Emilio de Quiros, Jr said.
And the best thing about this SSS new Unified Multipurpose Identification System (UMID) is that other agencies including the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG) and Philippine Health Insurance Corporation can also be access by the members hence, members
If you wish to apply for the new SSS Identification card and know the requirements:
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