
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ping Social Network for Music

Guys check this out the newest Social Networking Sites for Music, it comes by the name of Ping.
Ping…Ping…. is the talk of the town.
PING is the latest innovation in the field of Social Networking Sites for music enthusiast created by Apple.
This is truly great! That’s why a lot of users are already enjoying the PING. In fact,  Ping attracts 1 million users in 48 hours.
Here’s an excerpt of an article from yahoonews.
Apple announced last week that more than one million users signed up for Ping in the service’s first 48 hours of availability. Ping, as apparently a million of you already know, is the music-focused social network built into iTunes 10, which the company released just last week.

According to Eddy Cue, Apple's vice president of Internet Services, “One-third of people who have downloaded iTunes 10 have joined Ping.”

So, guys what are you waitin’ for ? Joined us. Be a part of the latest trend in town, register now in Ping.

 Features of Ping:

* See what kind of music your friends and friends-to-be are into. Then follow them with a click.

* See what kind of music your friends and friends-to-be are into. Then follow them with a click.
* Get in on the action with artist photos and status updates. Even add comments to join the conversation.
* Ping is built into the iTunes app on iPhone and iPod touch. So you can see artist updates from anywhere.
* You don't need to be at your computer to follow your friends. Ping works on the iTunes app on iPhone and iPod touch.
* Find out what music other fans are listening to lately. Click on any album to learn more.

Stay up to date on who, what, when, and where.

Keep musically connected with the Recent Activity feed in Ping.
Learn more about Ping:

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