
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Bishop Eddie Long Sex Scandal

Bishop Eddie Long is now a hot topic on the net this is due to allege sex scandal involving himself. According to the news circulating the net Bishop Eddie Long was accused of coercing two young men into a sexual relationship -- Anthony Flagg and Maurice Robinson, now 21 and 20 respectively.

For those who don't know Bishop Eddie Long,

Bishop Eddie Long (born May 12, 1953) is the senior pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, a megachurch in Lithonia, Georgia, United States. When Long started as p(born May 12, 1953) is the senior pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, a megachurch in Lithonia, Georgia, United States. When Long started as pastor for New Birth in 1987, there were 300 church members. Since his installation, membership has grown to 25,000.astor for New Birth in 1987, there were 300 church members.
Since his installation, membership has grown to 25,000. (

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